Outreach Activities
2021 - Grace provides lot space for City Wide Garage Sale
We had a great City Wide Garage Sale day! Some of our church members set up tables to sell their items and we provided free
use of our lot for people in the community to sell their items. We made some new friends.
2018 - Grace wins Executive Director's Trophy!!
The theme this year for the Aurora parade was 'Around The World.' Several members helped with the annual Aurora Christmas parade float.
We had a wonderful time sharing the good news of Jesus birth with the help of Christmas carolos from around the world! We also handed
out calendars along the parade route. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Business Expo
Grace participated in the Aurora Business Expo. Smiling Grace members shared about all Grace has to offer!

Edith Chambers, Amy Garoutte, and Pam Bowling
2017 - Grace wins another Award!!
Several members helped with the annual Aurora Christmas parade float. The theme for the parade was Christmas Movies. So Grace chose a "Charlie Brown Christmas." We had a wonderful time sharing the good news of Jesus birth with the help of Charlie and the gang! We also handed out calendars along the parade route. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Cooking Class
Grace offered a few cooking classes to those in the community this summer. Members and community guests learned to do some basic cooking recipes and skills!

Couponing Class
A couple couponing classes have been held at Grace. Members are learning how to easily take advantage of every day deals for yourself or to help with community donations. Watch for future classes and hone your skills or jump in to see what you can learn!

Honoring Aurora's Police, Fire Fighters & EMT's - Oct. 2016
A pancake feed was held to show appreciation to all police officers, firefighters and EMTs in the community. It was a way to show these people how much we at Grace Lutheran Church appreciate the fact that they daily give to all of us of their time, talents and expertise for our benefit. It was a fun project and seemed to be appreciated by everyone that participated in either preparing, serving or eating.

Thank You Volunteers!
Barb Martin, Edith Chambers, Al Michel, Pam Bowling, Amy Chamberlain, Emily Ernest, Jennifer Lampe, Joanne Michel & Charlie Chambers
Light the Night - July 2016
Grace Lutheran Church gave away free drinks at the Fourth of July celbration in Aurora called Light the Night. There was also a door prize of lots of Americana and fun items given away. We enjoyed getting out and serving our community!
Kids Night's Out! - 2016
Grace Lutheran Church hosted youth ages 12 & under for a fun evenings once a month during the winter allowing parents some time to get shopping or errands done. Several activities occurred during the evening including: outdoor games / sports, board games, pizza for supper, crafts, necklace and bead making, devotional, and activity for those less fortunate.
Check out the slideshow below from past evenings.
Aurora Christmas Parade
2016 - Grace wins the 'Ahhhhh Award!'
Several members helped with the annual Aurora Christmas parade float. Grace received the "Ahhhhh Award for 2016!" Thank you to everyone who participated!
Aurora Christmas Parade - 2015
Grace Lutheran Church participated in the Aurora Christmas Parade, December 2015. The theme was 'Everyday Heros'. Grace made a colorful float that depecited our 'Everyday Hero - was Jesus'! The float won the Director's Trophy! We also made the Aurora paper (see above).
Special Thanks to float creators: Paul & Barbara Martin and Pam Bowling! Also to everyone who helped ride, decorate or purchase candy!
Check out the slideshow below from creation to parade.
Allgeiers Nursing Home - 2015
Members of Grace went to the Allgeiers Nursing Home on December 21, 2015 to deliver Christmas gifts and sing Christmas Carols. The residents really appreciated all of the gifts and singing..
Members participating: Pastor Lampe, Pam Bowling, Voni Suelter, Sue Doss,
Darlene Lampe, Elaine Schumacher, Pastor Ben Schumacher.